Primary button
<Button text="Primary button with text only" on_click={() => { console.log('on_click') }} />
Secondary button
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={() => { console.log('onClick') }} > Secondary button with text only </Button>
Primary button with icon
<Button text="Primary button with icon" icon="chevron_right" />
Primary button with icon on left
<Button icon_position="left" icon="chevron_left"> Primary button with icon on left </Button>
Tertiary button
The tertiary button variant does support newlines while the icon is placed top aligned. You can enable multiline support with the wrap
<Button variant="tertiary" text="Tertiary button with icon on left" icon_position="left" icon="chevron_left" /> <Button variant="tertiary" text={<span>Text inside additional span</span>} icon_position="left" icon="chevron_left" left />
Tertiary button with top placed icon.
<Button variant="tertiary" icon_position="top" icon="close" text="Button text" /> <Button variant="tertiary" icon_position="top" icon="close" text="Large button" size="large" />
Tertiary button with long text and text wrap
<Button wrap variant="tertiary" text="A long text where wrap is enabled magnis rutrum netus neque ridiculus euismod sit dictum laoreet libero" icon="chevron_left" icon_position="left" />
Anchor button
<Button text="Primary with href" href="/uilib/components/button/demos" icon_position="right" icon="chevron_right" on_click={({ event }) => { event.preventDefault() }} right /> <Button variant="secondary" text="Secondary with href" href="/uilib/components/button/demos" target="_blank" right /> <Button href="/uilib/components/button/demos" title="This is a link" icon="chevron_right" size="default" right />
Disabled buttons
<Button text="Disabled primary button" disabled right /> <Button text="Disabled secondary button" variant="secondary" disabled right /> <Button text="Disabled tertiary button" variant="tertiary" disabled right /> <Button title="Disabled Icon Button" icon="calendar" disabled right />
Signal button
Medium is equivalent to 24, but responsive. To import custom icons, use: import { bell_medium as Bell } from '@dnb/eufemia/icons'
<Button variant="signal" text="Signal Button" icon={Bell} />
Large Signal button
Large Signal button with medium sized icon. To import custom icons, use: import { bell_medium as Bell } from '@dnb/eufemia/icons'
<Button variant="signal" text="Large Signal Button" icon={<Bell />} size="large" icon_size="medium" />
Icon button
When the button has no text an aria-label
attribute is required for accessibility. And a title
attribute is recommended for mouse hover.
We automatically add an aria-label
with the same value as title
if text
and children
props are undefined. So in most cases you only have to set the title
<Button title="Disabled Icon only Button" icon="calendar" disabled right /> <Button title="Button with Icon only" icon="calendar" /> <Button title="Small sized icon button" icon="add" size="small" left /> <Button title="Large sized icon button" icon={question} size="large" left /> <Button title="Icon button with status" icon={question} status="error" left /> <VisibilityByTheme visible="sbanken"> <Button title="Tertiary icon button" size="large" icon={question} variant="tertiary" /> </VisibilityByTheme>
Custom button content
This is, as all of the demos, only an example of how to achieve various needs, and not that you should do it.
<Button icon="close" icon_position="right" text="Button with custom content" custom_content={<IconPrimary icon="check" right="small" />} />